So, I actually moved out officially from my house (at KL) yesterday
My beloved room mates and house mates actually did a farewell party for me
*so touching*
We had steamboat and we really enjoyed:))
We were all crazy as well:P
Got into the room and found this card on my bed
Thanks all of you for making so much effort in making this card
It makes me wanna cry everytime when I remembered all the time we spent together
I love this card alot!!
And I will definitely kepp it well
♥♥♥♥(to the four of you:D)
They wanna take pictures too!
I have no idea what kind of expression is this
A normal one at last!
This card makes me feel like I'm participating in a singing contest which needs a vote
Don't act innocent ah I tell you ahhhh
The awesome three!!!
Didn't know that we can be so close:')
Both of you are really like sisters to me
I can just talk anything with you all
No doubt we can get the award of 'The nosiest room in Jalan Kasah'
And I'm proud of that
My family members and friends actually envy me alot because I get such wonderful room mates although there are hard times staying together too
Love hanging out with them:D
For Daphne ♥♥
My best shopping, eating and camwhoring partner:))
She takes nice pictures at all angles
Thankiew for cooking nice meals for me, will definitely miss your home cook food and sweet soup
Thanks for fetching me to and back from college when you have time even though you are very tired after coming back from class just to make sure I reached home safely
Whenever I hear old songs I would remember those days that you forced me to guess and listen
Remember tosei ah :p
We will meet again cause I wanna go shopping with you before both of us leave M'sia! :D
Our son
For Abby ♥♥
You see lah keep on anti me I could hardly find our pictures together
My fighting partner:D
I don't know why but our conversations will always end up teasing each other
You will definitely miss quarrelling with me won't you?
A person who can really talk to
Don't keep everything to yourself and don't always emo in the midnight
Sleep early and wake up early!!
And also something that only three of us know
Bright future ahead smarty pants
Don't forget me
For Ngahxin ♥♥
Hello alcoholic!!!
To be frank, my first impression wasn't that good towards you cause whenever I smile to you, you won't smile back (MEHHHHHH)
Started to be close but you were about to move out that time
I remember I offended you by saying that I just go through the first 10 years unlike someone (actually I'm being sarcastic while quarrelling with Abby)
And you always use that sentence to shoot me back after that
She is the one (other than my biological sis) who would play soft toys with me like a little kid
At first when I played in front of my room mates, both of them think that I'm abnormal
so sadddd
And now, Daph joined the the gang in playing soft toys
Must keep in touch ya!!
For Joe ♥♥
The only picture of both of us
Thanks for being bullied all the time
Didn't know that you could actually be SO CRAZY MY GAWD!
Thanks for making my farewell party awesome
Made me laughed for so long and also made all of us having stomach pain
Hope to see you again and please don't eat my deposit
Group shotsss ♥♥
Will always miss out one or two
And finally the fantastic five ♥♥♥♥♥
You guys are the best damn thing that happened in my college life
Not forgetting
Vivienne ♥♥
Although you are not my roommate or housemate but you are also like a sister to me
Thanks for the treat all these while;')
All the best in your future
Keep in touch! :D
Babies shot ♥♥
From the left: Moomoo, Hippo, Mou dak deng, Kopi o and Bibi
They are best friend but they are mistaken as gay partners
(Bibi looks girly beside Kopi o anyway)
"I heard someone say food"
The naughties kid among all!
Hello newborn tweetie!
*wave wave*
cuteness overload
(3rd picture, Moomoo actually waves and say byeeeeeeeeee)
*Please don't think that I am crazy*
I actually kidnapped them and forced them to take pictures with me because I will miss them in the future no doubt

Thanks for appearing in my college life
Thankiew so so much again for the beautiful handmade card lovely people
Please plan for our next gathering!!
Can't wait for the fantastic five to reunite again
Lots of love